MOOCs and Open Education New Routledge Book (2015) Amazon Routledge Open World
E-Learning Theory
MOOCs and Open Education Around the World.
Edited by Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, Thomas H. Reynolds.

Find out more about this dramatic new book MOOCs and Open Education

MOOCs and Open Education is a compelling and promising new edited collection relating to massively open online courses and open educational resources (OER). Online learning technology has quickly developed in terms of interactivity and the capability to reach people all around the world since the emergence of the Internet. The transformational technological impact of the World Wide Web makes available powerful kinds of communication and interaction which are essential for technology-enhanced learning. There are scarcely any trends in digital e-learning technology over the past few decades that can match the sudden arrival of massively open online courses. We can no longer cover massively open online courses with one definition because there are many different categories of MOOC courses. Some massively open online courses are based on prerecorded video seminars plus facilitated interaction or discussion forums. Some MOOC courses are an answer to recent increases in the demand for teaching and distance learning. MOOC courses are absolutely a powerful change agent influencing online education technology today.

MOOCs and Open Education deals with the current state of digital learning and education resources in general. This Routledge book discusses quite a few significant trends in MOOCs. This fascinating new book also deals with education resources and online education issues. The front matter of this book includes Forward #2 by Fred Mulder. The first part of this book is about “MOOCs and Open Education: Historical and Critical Reflections” and includes Chapter #1 which is titled “The MOOC Misstep and the Open Education Infrastructure”. The second part of this book includes Chapter #6 by Laura Czerniewicz, Glenda Cox, Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams and Michelle Willmers. For more details about this Routledge Chapman & Hall edited collection visit this open educational resources website.

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

Online Studying

Massive Open Online Course

Online Learning Courses: This is installation of the Online Learning Courses web page.

Online Teaching: This is Open World Books copy of the Online Teaching web page.

Online Learning: This is PublicationShare's highly rated version of the Online Learning page.

Distance Learning Universities: This is the best reviewed Distance Learning Universities web page on WorldisOpen.

Massive Open Online Course University: This is the Massive Open Online Course University higher ed web page on TEC-VARIETY.

Education Online: This is the Education Online ed tech web page on TECVARIETY.

MOOCs List: This is the MOOCs List instructional web page on

Massively Open Online Course MOOC Program: This is the Massively Open Online Course MOOC Program information web page on

MOOC: This is the MOOC YouTube video on the MOOC Book channel.

Book about Massive Open Online Courses

Massively Open Online Courses Educational: This is installation of the Massively Open Online Courses Educational web page.

Advantages Of Online Classes: This is OpenWorldBooks version of the Advantages Of Online Classes web page.

Online School Courses: This is a PublicationShare copy of the Online School Courses site for the ed-tech book.

Massive Online Course: This is the most reviewed Massive Online Course web page on WorldisOpen.

Open Education Resources Book: This is the best rated Open Education Resources Book web page on TEC-VARIETY.

Online Training Course: This is the Online Training Course instructional web page on TECVARIETY.

MOOC Massively Open Online Course: This is the MOOC Massively Open Online Course webpage on ResourceShare.

MOOCs Books: This is the MOOCs Books teacher's webpage on WorldIsOpen.

MOOCs Free Online Courses: This is the MOOCs Free Online Courses video on Veoh.

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